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Düneberg explosives factory

Düneberg explosives factory

Making bombs for Hitler

In 1876, German industrialist Max Duttenhöfer founded the explosives factory "Düneberger Pulverfabrik" near the German city of Hamburg, where gunpowder and other explosives were produced during both world wars.

After the First World War, the Allies razed the factory. The National Socialist government decided to revive the complex in the 1930s.


During the Second World War, the factory processed all kinds of explosives into ammunition and armored shells, such as in this workshop.

There were also laboratories and test stands on the site, where, among other things, propellants for rockets were examined. The researchers worked closely with the development center of V1 and V2 rockets in Peenemünde.


Foreign volunteers and forced laborers worked side by side with German workers. A heavy bombardment ended the production in 1945, and demolition followed after the war.

However, a handful of ruins and bombed-out bunker remains remained standing among the bushes of the Besenhorster Sandberge und Elbsandwiesen.

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