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Yorkshire Trench & Dugout

Yorkshire Trench & Dugout

Underground WWI-shelter reveals its secrets

In 1992, a farmer accidentally stumbled upon the remains of a British dugout, a World War I underground shelter.


The trench was constructed by the British army from 1915 onwards after the first gas attack by the Germans. The complex was renovated in early 1917 and expanded to include an underground shelter. The corridors leading to the underground rooms are still visible. However, they are flooded.

A 70-metre-long restored strip of trenches recalls the war past on a small plot amid the industrial estate built there in the 1990s and the harsh conditions the soldiers had to live in.

Battle against water 

The clay soil made digging these dugouts arduous in the early 20th century. The Tunnelling Companies constantly had to fight against groundwater. Today, the sandbags dare to slide away due to the rising and sinking groundwater levels. Hence, part of the trenches were restored in 2023.

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