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Todt Battery

Todt Battery

Giant cannons at Wissant

Just below Wissant, in Audinghen, the heavy guns of Battery Todt had a range of 55 kilometers, just far enough to hit England.

The bunker belt was named after the engineer Fritz Todt , the head of the Organization Todt, who died in a plane crash a few days before the inauguration of this Battery in 1942.

After the Second World War, the bunkers simply remained standing: with their 3.5 meter thick concrete walls and roofs, they could hardly be demolished. The most impressive remains is tower number 4.

Ammunition rooms

The entrance to this bunker leads you to the dark ammunition rooms, the walls of which are painted with messages from the German army. Some of them are addressed to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill ("WC").

Traces of the transport system to deliver the heavy ammunition still hang from the ceiling.


The grenades were fed through recesses in the walls of the ammunition rooms to the heart of the bunker: a circular space where the cannon was positioned. The cannon has disappeared, only its foundation remained.

The rest of the battery

Enough for bunker 4. Because you can also find traces of the other three casemates.

Bunker n°1 now houses the "Musée du Mur de l'Atlantique Batterie Todt."

Bunker 3 was heavily damaged in 1945 and is completely torn to pieces, while number 2 is equipped with a balcony from which you can take a look into the bunker.

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