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Zuydcoote battery

Zuydcoote battery

Rubble dump on the beach

Sagging bunkers, loose foundations, collapsed walls: the beach between Leffrinckoucke and Zuydcoote looks like a dumping ground of bunkers. You will find, among other things, the German naval coastal battery Malo Terminus.

French fortress

Initially there was a fortification here that the French army built at the end of the 19th century. After all, the French gradually had enough of German invasions, for example during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871.

They fortified their borders with forts, such as the one in Leffrinckoucke. To this day you can still find its ruins in the dunes. And on the beach: erosion has caused the brick walls to sink and collapse after all these years.


During the Second World War, the German army captured the French fortification without batting an eyelid.

They converted it into the "Batterie Malo Terminus" and expanded the fort with, among other things, a fire control bunker , which overlooks the beach, and a radar tower.

Dozens of remains of German artillery bunkers are scattered across the beach. The fire control bunker is located in the dunes.

The bunkers have been torn loose from their foundations by the sea or have slid down the dunes: a rubble of concrete and bricks.

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