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Bunker town Wünsdorf

Bunker town Wünsdorf

Bunker town Wünsdorf

The residents of the German village of Wünsdorf saw many neighbors coming and going during the Second World War when the army quickly built bunkers to hide the German Army High Command.

In addition to three gigantic underground bunkers (Maybach I and II and the almost intact Zeppelin communications bunker), there are also several above-ground constructions in the form of houses, which provided access to an underground corridor system and the bunkers. With a lick of paint, they were indistinguishable from ordinary houses for reconnaissance aircraft. Or at least for a while.


British and American aircraft carried out heavy bombing raids on the Maybach I and II bunkers in 1945.

After the Second World War, the Russians moved in, and it remained a top-secret military domain, the so-called "forbidden city," until 1994, long after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet army revived the bunkers in Zossen. The Zeppelinbunker was activated as a communications center.

18 meters underground

The Zeppelin bunker consists of three floors and is located at a depth of up to 18 meters underground.

Access lock to the bunker. The Russians made the Zeppelin bunker resistant to ABC attacks (attacks with atomic, biological or chemical weapons).

It is still full of old equipment, including a Russian meter for testing diodes and transistors.

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