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Train Workshop RAW

Train Workshop RAW

Train Workshop RAW

In the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk(RAW) train workshop in Berlin, more than 2,000 employees repaired freight and passenger wagons.

The factory was built in 1867 and was severely damaged by Allied bombing during the Second World War: 80 percent of the factory had to be rebuilt.

After the German partition, the workshop ended up in East Berlin, and on its centenary, its name changed to the "Frans Stenzer" workshop, an ode to the Bavarian communist who was killed by the Nazis in 1933.

When the workshop closed its doors in 1995, it quickly attracted a swarm of artists, followed by nightclubs, sports clubs, circus companies, theatres and bars. The arrival of the new residents went hand in hand with noise and nuisance. Day and night, drugs were traded, and casual visitors were ambushed while neighbors complained about the noise. 

The RAW-Gelände changed from a hip haven for tourists into a place to avoid. Cameras and security firms were able to turn the tide somewhat and the workshop regained its appeal. For example, one of the oldest halls was renovated in 2017 to accommodate the 'House of Music'. Other redevelopment projects are intended to help the RAW-Gelände further improve.

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