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Bitche train station

Bitche train station

Bitche train station

Until 2014, you could still see trains passing in the French-fortified town of Bitche. From then on, train traffic on the route section between Niederbronn via Bitche to Sarreguemines was discontinued.

Since then, only a few parts of the 125.8-kilometer-long Hagenau-Hargarten-Falck railway line have been used. This railway line was built in the mid-nineteenth century by the French railway company Chemins de fer de l'Est, but part of it fell into German hands after the Franco-German War of 1870.

Trains have also stopped in Bitche since 1869. The current station building dates from 1902. The railway line continued to be used between Niederbronn and Sarreguemines for military transports, but even that was no longer profitable. That is why the section was closed by the French railway company SNCF in 2014.

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