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Boat Lifts on the Canal du Centre

Boat Lifts on the Canal du Centre

Boat Lifts on the Canal du Centre

The four historic boat lifts on the Center Canal in Hainaut overcome a height difference of 68 meters between the river basins of the Meuse and the Scheldt in Belgium.

The Center Canal hydraulic lifts, which cut straight through Hainaut, were built between 1888 and 1917 with parts from the Cockerill blast furnaces. Excavated in 1882, the canal connects the Charleroi-Brussels canal near Seneffe with the Nimy-Blaton-Péronnes canal in Nimy, thus connecting the Borinage and Charleroi industrial basins.

Boat lift n°1

The first lift near La Louvière was seriously damaged in 2002, making the old Center Canal unnavigable for years. Fortunately, Strépy-Thieu's new ship lift had just been completed that year.

Boat lift n°2

The second boat lift along the Center Canal bridges a height difference of 16.93 meters.

A cylinder supports one of the two barges of the lift, as shown in the photo below.

Boat lift n°3

Boat lift n° 3 is located in an idyllic bend of the canal near Strépy-Bracquegnies.

Machine room

The machine building powers boat lifts 2 and 3, which are located close to each other. To the right of the machine building is boat lift 3 described above.

Boat lift n°4

Toat lift 4 is the last on the list and is a stone's throw from the new boat lift of Strépy-Thieu.

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